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Submit Your Article to Utah Archaeology

Instructions to Authors

​Authors submitting manuscripts are requested to follow the Society of American Archaeology (SAA) style. The most recent version of the SAA Style Guide can be found online at  Articles must be factual with some archaeological application. We seek submissions from authors affiliated with government agencies, cultural resource management firms, museums, academic institutions, and avocational archaeologists equally.

Paper categories include:

1.   Articles: Synthetic manuscripts, reports of analysis, overviews, and reviews of past research.

2.   The Avocationalist’s Corner: Topical articles written for the non-specialist. Articles for this section are encouraged from avocational and professional archaeologists alike.

3.   Reports, notes, and comments: Shorter manuscripts including descriptive reports on focused topics; notes or points of interest with a minimum of interpretive discussion; comments on current issues or previously published works. Comments on previously published works will be submitted to the author of that work for review and reply.

4.   Photo/illustrative essays: Photo or illustration based articles with descriptive and/or interpretive text to supplement the visual media.

5.   Book Reviews: Reviews of current publications that are broadly relevant to archaeology of Utah.  


Manuscripts should be submitted in an electronic format, as Utah Archaeology cannot retype papers. Authors are encouraged to send files as e-mail attachments to the editors (, although manuscripts may also be submitted on a CD or USB drive. Microsoft Word (.DOC or .DOCX) files are strongly encouraged. All manuscripts are submitted for outside review. Authors are sent reviewers’ comments and a letter from the editor as to whether the manuscript is acceptable with revision, acceptable in current form, or rejected with a recommendation for substantial revision. The editors reserve the right to evaluate manuscripts for appropriate subject matter, quality, length, and compliance with the style guide, and will likely reject submissions which do not conform to the stipulated requirements. 


Manuscripts must be typed on 8.5 by 11 inch paper with 1 inch page margins in 12 point font and double-spaced. Submissions should contain appropriate headings and subheadings and have a brief abstract of 150 words or less. Manuscripts should be paginated consecutively beginning with the title page.  

Tables, Figures, and Illustrations:

Authors are responsible for submitting illustrations, photos, and tables of publishable quality, as Utah Archaeology will not be responsible for making them presentable and will only make minor adjustments. Figures should be submitted electronically (one figure per file) and authors are responsible for providing a high resolution (minimum 300 dpi at printed size. Maximum size is 6.25 x 8.5 inches or 1825 x 2550 pixels) file in either a .TIFF, .JPG, .PSD, or .PDF file format.  Please DO NOT paste figures or tables into word processing document files. Tables should be submitted either as separate files (one per file) or combine into a single workbook or similar format with one table per worksheet. Table formatting should follow the SAA style guide (see above). For all photos, illustrations, and tables please include captions in a separate text file.  Please name all figure and table files with their corresponding association in the text (e.g. Figure 1.jpg or Table 1.xls) and use matching names in the caption text file.

Research Notes Online for Utah Archaeology


In order to maximize the technology available in the 21st Century, the Journal Editor for the Utah Professional Archaeological Council (UPAC) as proposed an online format for publishing shorter-length, full-color articles through the UPAC website.  This format promises to be a means of increasing publishing opportunities for students, scholars, and avocationalists and hopefully grow value for UPAC members. All articles will be held to the same standards as those manuscripts offered for print in Utah Archaeology journal, including a rigorous peer-review process and a high-level of expected content. It is expected that all submitted articles would be made available online within one year or less of submission date. Online articles will be given page numbers in the next available Utah Archaeology print journal, thus creating a formal citation for authors.

Manuscript Expectations

Articles must be factual with some archaeological application.  We seek submissions from authors affiliated with government agencies, cultural resource management firms, museums, academic institutions, students, and avocational archaeologists equally.  Authors submitting manuscripts are requested to follow Society for American Archaeology (SAA) style (see Style Guide American Antiquity 48:429-442).  The most recent version of the SAA Style Guide can be found on the SAA website.

Content for these submissions can include results of small or interesting survey projects, data recovery results of small projects, reanalysis of archaeological collections, artifact or site visualizations, or other topics that might not warrant a full-length article. Other topics could be leveraging social or online media to bring archaeology and its interpretation into the 21st century.

II.A. Length:

For Research Notes, editors are interested in shorter-length focused manuscripts that lend themselves to an online format (color images and maps, web access and links, etc.). Generally, submissions should be no more than 2,500 words with no set limit on the number of figures and images.

II.B. Submission:

Manuscripts should be submitted in an electronic format, as Utah Archaeology cannot retype papers. Authors are strongly encouraged to send files as e-mail attachments to the editors, although manuscripts may also be submitted on a CD.  Microsoft Word (.DOC or DOCX) files are strongly encouraged.   All manuscripts are submitted for outside review.  Authors are sent reviewers' comments and a letter from the editor as to whether the manuscript is acceptable with revision, acceptable in current form, or rejected with a recommendation for substantial revision. The editors reserve the right to evaluate manuscripts for appropriate subject matter, quality, length, and compliance with the style guide, and will likely reject submissions which do not conform to the stipulated requirements.



II.C. Formatting:

Manuscripts must be typed on 8.5 by 11 inch paper with 1 inch margins in 12 point font and double spaced.  Submissions should contain appropriate headings and subheadings and have a brief abstract of 150 words or less.  Manuscripts should be paginated consecutively beginning with the title page.

II.D. Tables, Figures, and Illustrations:

Authors are responsible for submitting illustrations, photos, and tables of publishable quality, as Utah Archaeology will not be responsible for making them presentable and will only make minor adjustments.  Figures should be submitted electronically (one figure per file) and authors are responsible for providing a high resolution (minimum 300 dpi at printed size). Maximum size is 6.26 x 8.5 inches (or 1825 x 2550 pixels) file in either a .JPG, .TIFF, .PSD, or .PDF file format.  Please DO NOT paste figures or tables into word processing document files.  Tables should be submitted either as separate files (one per file) or combined into a single workbook or similar format with one table per worksheet.  Table formatting should follow the SAA style guide (see above).  For all photos, illustrations, and tables please include captions in a separate text file.  Please name all figure and table files with their corresponding association in the text (e.g. Figure 1 or Table 1) and use matching names in the caption text file.

For submission to Research Notes, the editor highly encourages full color photos, maps, and other figures given the ability to display color images in the online format.

Final Thoughts

The Editor has right to refuse any submission that does not meet the established professional standards of UPAC of ethics, content, style, or quality.

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