Utah Archaeology Journal
Utah Archaeology Journal Access
The Utah Professional Archaeological Council edits and publishes Utah Archaeology journal on an annual basis. UPAC members may access the two latest volumes online, and all older volumes are available to the public for free.
FAQs About UPAC's Move to All-Digital Publication

1 / What is the need for digital-only journal access?
Cost: Publishing and mailing costs are increasing but membership dues are not scheduled to increase. Publishing and mailing costs currently represent over half of what UPAC member dues are spent on. Reducing these costs allows UPAC to invest in the conference, awards, sponsorships, and other pursuits of interest to UPAC members.
Accessibility: Digital-only democratizes access among UPAC members who may not have current mailing addresses on file with UPAC, or who have visual impairments.
2 / How can I access future issues under the digital-only model?
Members who are current on their dues will receive free online access through upaconline.org
Digital versions of the last 2 years of Utah Archaeology will be available as PDFs. These will be searchable and downloadable.
3 / What if I discontinue my membership in UPAC? Can I access the issues I already paid for?
Issues older than 3 years will become available for free on upaconline.org. Issues two years and younger will be behind the members-only paywall. If you are a current member, it is recommended that you download journals you think you may want handy.
3 / What are we doing for the 2022 issue?
This issue will be printed over the summer and mailed out to members who paid dues in 2022.
Digital-only publication will begin for the 2023 issue of Utah Archaeology.